Call for applications

mercredi 20 février 2019 par roger

Registration is now open !

Organised by La Compagnie Ici, Là-Bas et Ailleurs (CILBA) since 2014, Ciné-Palestine is a non-competitive film festival, which offers a wide-ranging and varied look at past and contemporary Palestinien cinema.
CILBA is opening its call for applications for the fifth edition of the Rencontres, which will take place in Toulouse (France) from 11 to 19 march 2019.

This call for applications is looking for films for two distinct sections :

  • Confirmed filmmakers : feature films (documentary, fiction) which have made an event in festivals or in the current events of cinematographic distribution. These films are selected for their artistic quality but also for their impact on political and cultural news.
  • Young talents : this section explores the works of lesser-known artists whose talent and inventiveness deserve wider dissemination.

Conditions of participation :

  • Film of a Palestinian director (documentary, fiction, animation), produced after 01 January 2017
  • Deadline for sending the film : 15 September 2018

Inscription file :

Word - 27.9 ko

To send your application :
1) Fill in the attached form.
2) Send your film and the completed form either :

  • via e-mail, film in a vimeo link to :


  • via regular mail , film in a dvd or a bluray to the following address :

"Compagnie Ici, Là-Bas et Ailleurs"
C/O Samir Arabi
Les Ondines / Appartement 9
11 rue Sainte Odile
31100 Toulouse

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